Yushu Zhang
Professor/Doctoral Supervisor/IEEE Senior Member
Research Direction: Cyberspace Security, Multimedia Security, AI security, and Privacy Protection
教授/博导/IEEE Senior Member
研究方向: 多媒体隐私&安全、可信人工智能、区块链、AI4S
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Google Scholar
Research Background
Since 2013, I have published over 100 papers in top journals and conferences, including Usenix Security, ACM MM, TIFS, TPAMI, TVCG, TSC, TDSC, TKDE, and TIP, with over 10,000 citations on Google Scholar, an H-index of 60, and 18 ESI highly cited papers. I have also authored a scholarly monograph published by Springer. My research on image privacy protection focuses on building a system across three layers: data, content, and feature layers. I have published multiple review papers, including three in ACM Computing Surveys (impact factor: 23.8) and one first-author paper in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (impact factor: 34.4).
I am leading national key R&D projects, as well as National Natural Science Foundation of China general projects and youth projects. I have been selected as an innovative and leading talent under the "Ganpo Talents Program" in Jiangxi Province.
From 2022 to 2024, I was listed in Research.com's global top computer scientists ranking. From 2021 to 2024, I was selected for the global top 2% scientists list published by Professor John P. A. Ioannidis's team at Stanford University.
I have received several honors, including the Chongqing Outstanding Scholar Award (2016), ACM Chongqing Chapter Outstanding Scholar Award (2016), ACM Nanjing Chapter Rising Star Award (2020), and the Henan Provincial Natural Science Second Prize. In 2024, my ACM MM paper titled "Once-for-all: Efficient Visual Face Privacy Protection via Person-specific Veils" won the Honourable Mention Award.
I serve as a member of the Digital Media Forensics and Security Committee and the Multimedia Committee of the China Society of Image and Graphics, as well as the Blockchain Committee of the China Cryptography Society and the Youth Committee of the China Society of Image and Graphics.
I am an associate editor for four international SCI journals, including IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2nd district, CAS; impact factor: 5.3), Information Sciences (1st district, CAS; impact factor: 8.1), Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences (2nd district, CAS; impact factor: 6.9), and Signal Processing (2nd district, CAS; impact factor: 4.4). I am also the editor-in-chief of "Chinese Journal of Computer Science Review" and a youth editorial board member for "Journal of Network and Information Security" and "Journal of Applied Sciences."
#自2013年以来累计在Usenix Security、ACM MM、TIFS、TPAMI、TVCG、TSC、TDSC、TKDE、TIP 等顶刊顶会发表100余篇论文,Google引用1万余次,H指数60,ESI高被引论文18篇,Springer出版社出版学术专著1本。围绕图像隐私保护研究(依次从数据层、内容层、特征层三个层级)构建图像隐私保护体系,并发表多篇综述性论文,包括3篇通讯ACM Computing Surveys(影响因子:23.8)和1篇1作IEEE Communications Surveys &
Tutorials (影响因子:34.4)。
#2022-2024年入选Research.com发布的全球顶尖计算机科学家榜单。2021-2024入选斯坦福大学John P.AIoannidis教授团队发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。2024年入选ScholarGPS发布的高排名学者全球前0.05%顶尖科学家榜单。
#荣获重庆市优博(2016年)、ACM重庆分会优博(2016年)、ACM南京分会新星奖(2020年)等称号以及河南省自然科学二等奖等。2024年ACM MM论文《Once-for-all: Efficient Visual Face Privacy Protection via Person-specific Veils》荣获Honourable Mention Award。
#担任4个国际SCI期刊的副编,包括IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (中科院2区, 影响因子:5.3), Information Sciences (中科院1区,影响因子:8.1),Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences (中科院2区,影响因子:6.9), Signal Processing (中科院2区,影响因子:4.4)。